What is the VETgirl U 2025 Cancellation Policy?

We’re pleased to announce our sixth VETgirl U Veterinary Conference in Nashville, TN at the Renaissance Nashville Hotel, June 26-29, 2025. At VETgirl U, you’ll join various members of the veterinary community including veterinary professionals, sponsors, industry partners, and media. While we’re not “rule freaks,” here are a few things that you need to know about attending our conference to make it an awesome CE experience for you and your veterinary colleagues and/or family. By registering for and/or attending VETgirl U, you are acknowledging that you agree to the following terms, which constitutes an agreement between you and VETgirl. This policy applies to all attendees, their agents, employees, and representatives that may attend this VETgirl U event or associated events (both on location at the Renaissance Nashville Hotel and off-site).

Onsite Policies and Guidelines:

  • We’re excited for this conference. We want you to be excited also! However, we don’t want any disruptive or harassing behavior. Any form of discrimination, retaliation, or harassment will not be tolerated. If it’s really egregious, we’ll have to kick you out and no refund is possible (Although we know you will be professional…we also know there are some outliers out there!).
  • Content from all learning sessions and other special events is protected by United States copyright laws and is the exclusive property of VETgirl or its authors. You may not, under any circumstances, share, distribute, publish, repurpose, or sell any such content, or attempt to do so, in any way without written consent from VETgirl.
  • We’re all for promotion through social media. It’s ok to post pictures (Hey! Tag us on Instagram at vetgirlontherunTwitter @VETgirlontherun or Facebook) and videos < 10 minutes, but no posting of articles, sessions, or materials obtained from a VETgirl event without written consent from VETgirl. Again, if it’s more than 10 minutes of video and/or audio recording, you must obtain written consent from VETgirl. This will respect the wishes of VETgirl as well as our speakers, so their family or boss don’t randomly find them on social media.
  • We really want you to promote the VETgirl brand while you’re at this conference! However, we have to prohibit marketing of anything else, unless you’re officially an exhibitor or sponsor. Any person who attends a VETgirl event that sells, markets, or represents a company or organization for the purpose of obtaining advertising, sales, or subscriptions from any attendee, sponsor, or exhibitor immediately forfeits their registration fee and admission to the VETgirl event.
  • We want all veterinary professionals (and their families) at this VETgirl event! However, VETgirl reserves the right to deny, refuse, or revoke admission during pre-registration and on-site registration.
  • All attendees must be registered for the VETgirl event or have a guest badge (except if under the age of 18).
  • We are not responsible for any belongings, so please make sure to secure all valuables during the conference.
  • So as not to disrupt the flow of the speakers, please refrain from making commentary, remarks, or discussion during a speaker’s presentation; we’re all for active participation but want to reserve this for the end of the talk. Any minor issues should be via direct communication with the authors/speakers.
  • By attending our VETgirl conference, you are opting in to receive emails from VETgirl and our sponsors. Not interested? No problem – you can opt-out at any time by unsubscribing!


Not that we want to, but VETgirl reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel any event at any time (e.g., if all our speaker’s bail, the hotel is no longer standing, an act of God, etc.). In that case, VETgirl will refund you your registration fees it has received from you for this event, but we won’t have any further obligation to you of any type, whether monetary or otherwise. (Please cancel your hotel reservations on your own – we’re not responsible for that or any related expenses related to travel, work, food, etc.). Accordingly, VETgirl shall in no event have any liability to you and shall have no other obligation to you of any type except as expressly stated above. Such right of termination shall not be unreasonably exercised. VETgirl is not responsible for errors or omissions on the website or promotional materials; after all, we’re human. We’ll try our best to keep the website and all communication as up-to-date as possible, however, so you are in the know as best we can. Any refunds issued (less fees, if any) will be processed and issued 30 days after the event.
By signing up for the conference, you’re acknowledging that you have read the following refunds and cancellation policy listed below.

Refund Amount (General Conference)

  • Through December 31, 2024: Refund minus a $50 registration fee
  • From January 1 – March 14, 2025: Refund minus a $100 registration fee
  • After March 14, 2025: No refund
If you are not able to attend in person, and the refund period has passed, you will have two options:
OPTION 1: Transfer your conference registration to another person and have the new registrant reimburse you for the conference fee. If we have an active waitlist, we can connect you with the next person on the waitlist to coordinate payment. If you have someone else you’d like to transfer to, please email us at info@vetgirlontherun.com with their full name and email address. Please note: there is a $50 transfer administration fee and transfers will only be processed up to 1 week before the start of the conference (June 18, 2025).
OPTION 2: Cancel your registration and following the conference we will provide you with 30 day complimentary access to the VETgirl U 2024 lecture recordings (main conference only–does not apply to Master Classes).
If you are unable to attend, please remember to cancel your travel plans, hotel reservation, etc. VETgirl is solely responsible for your conference registration.


VETgirl may have professional or amateur photographers present at the VETgirl conference. Please note that any photographs or videos taken at a VETgirl event may be used in future VETgirl publications, online, or in other VETgirl materials, and that there is a chance your head, face, or body may be in these pictures! Attendance or participation in the meeting constitutes your consent to VETgirl’s use and publication of your image or voice in photographs, videotapes, audiotapes, or other electronic media pertaining to VETgirl’s events, social media posts, use on the Internet and activities.

COVID-19 Disclaimer

I am aware of the highly contagious nature of bacterial and viral diseases, including coronavirus disease (COVID-19) (collectively, the “Disease”) and the risk that I may be exposed to or contact the Disease by participating in this program and engaging in the activities associated with program, which may result in serious illness, personal injury, disability, death, and/or property damage.


You further acknowledge that no amount of money, or other remedy available at law, would adequately compensate VETgirl for damages, which the parties agree VETgirl would suffer as a result of your violation of the above terms. Here at VETgirl, we don’t want to require a court’s jurisdiction if any of the above policies are violated, but to protect VETgirl, its members, and the VETgirl conference attendees, VETgirl will use all resources available to do so if there is a violation of the terms as noted above.
We’re psyched that you’re coming. Please don’t be intimidated by the legal mumbo-jumbo. If you have any questions about our guidelines, please contact us at info@vetgirlontherun.com.